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EU Roadmap towards Lifting COVID-19 Containment Measures Published

CLECAT have reported on an EU document entitled Joint European Roadmap towards lifting COVID-19 containment measures, which was issued yesterday.

The 16-page document covers the criteria, principles, measures and recommendations toward this goal. With this e-mail, we have extracted the provisional guidance relating to Transport services for your information:

“4. A phased approach for the opening of our internal and external borders is needed, eventually restoring the normal functioning of the Schengen area.

Internal border controls should be lifted in a coordinated manner: the Commission has been working continuously with Member States to limit the impact of the reintroduction of internal border controls on the functioning of the internal market and on free movement. It is doing also its utmost to minimize the impact of the current situation on the transport sector, including operators and passengers. The travel restrictions and border controls currently applied should be lifted once the border regions’ epidemiological situation converges sufficiently and social distancing rules are widely and responsibly applied. The gradual re-opening of borders should give priority to cross-border and seasonal workers and should avoid any discrimination against EU mobile workers. Neighbouring Member States should stay in close contact to facilitate this in close coordination with the Commission. In the transition phase, the efforts to maintain an unobstructed flow of goods and to secure supply chains should be reinforced. Restrictions on travel should first be eased between areas with comparably low reported circulation of the virus. The ECDC will, in cooperation with Member States, maintain a list of such areas. The Commission will also put forward more detailed guidance on how to progressively restore transport services, connectivity and free movement as swiftly as the health situation allows it, also in view of planning summer holiday travel.”

The document limits the paragraph on transport services to the minimum at this stage:

“The gradual reintroduction of transport services should be adapted to the phasing out of travel restrictions and the phasing in of particular types of activities while taking account of the level of risk in the areas concerned. "

CLECAT and IIFA will keep Members informed as soon as the new transport-specific guidance is released.

Other provisional information on lifting of restrictions on returning to non-essential work, Mass Gatherings and continued efforts to prevent spread of COVID19 are within the full document, which can be accessed by clicking here.

Coronavirus section on IIFA website

IIFA has dedicated a section of its website to Freight Industry relevant Coronavirus updates. This information can be found via the link below: (page no longer live)

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