Benefits and Delivery of Training
- Increased professional knowledge
This training will provide a solid foundation of knowledge for working in the Freight Forwarding or Supply-Chain industries. From Operations to Sales roles, the knowledge provided by this training will greatly enhance not only Participant confidence, but also the service offerings provided by the individual/ company they represent.
- Course material is timely and highly relevant
IIFA updates training manuals annually. Through its role as Ireland’s National Representative Body for the Irish Freight Forwarding service provider industry, the Association is best positioned to update this material through its key contacts with relevant Government departments (Dept. Transport, Tourism & Sport, Dept. Revenue, Dept. Agriculture etc…) and its international network of Freight Association (FIATA and CLECAT). The course content and delivery is validated by FIATA (The International Federation of National Freight Forwarding Associations) every four years.
- No interruption to normal working hours
At the beginning of each month, Participants are posted a hard-copy training manual for a given module. Further assistance is made available through webinars, which are available to view on-demand, 24/7, and set assignments. Participants are given the freedom to set their own study time plans and patterns, with goal-posts set by IIFA to maintain a solid direction for this training.
- Delivery of Training
IIFA provided a private Moodle area for each class group, thereby keeping all training material in one central location. Webinars, notes and assignments are released at set times to ensure that training remains on track with set goals to maintain focus.
- Full support and guidance throughout
IIFA Staff are available Monday – Friday during business hours for assistance through e-mail and telephone. Out of Office support is available during online examination evenings. While this training is delivered online, IIFA Staff regularly monitor the progress of individual Participants throughout the training.